
on Tuesday 08 November 2011 19:49:44 Marko Käning wrote:

> Privet Yuri,
> On Nov 8, 2011, at 7:30 PM, Yuri Chornoivan wrote:
> > Remove the line that says:
> > 
> > add_subdirectory( doc-translations )
> > 
> > from CMakeLists.txt in the root directory of the unpacked archive (it's
> > in the end of that file).
> The funny is that I can't find such line anywhere in the CMakeLists.txt
> files present in KMM's sources, as you can see here:
> $ find work/kmymoney -name CMakeLists.txt -exec grep doc-translations {} \;
> $

You should do the same with the source extracted from the tarball and you will 
find it.

$ find kmymoney-4.6.1 -name CMakeLists.txt | xargs grep doc-translations 
kmymoney-4.6.1/CMakeLists.txt:add_subdirectory( doc-translations )

> That's what confuses me quite a bit.

Which I understand, if you only look at what comes out from SVN. The trick is, 
that between the SVN repository and the tarball we have create_tarball which 
takes care of adding the line(s) you are looking for.

> Before sending my previous post to this list I did search around already
> for appearances of the string "doc", but couldn't really find the relevant
> stuff. Since, as Thomas also responded, the developer doc is omitted by
> default I was very confused about this…

I also wrote, that the resp. IF-statement might not be correct. Did you check 

> I wonder now why the italian and french translations will be build,
> although there is no such add_subdirectory option in sight.

It sure is in the tarball (again auto-generated by create_tarball):

$ cat kmymoney-4.6.1/doc-translations/CMakeLists.txt
add_subdirectory( de_kmymoney/kmymoney )
add_subdirectory( es_kmymoney/kmymoney )
add_subdirectory( fr_kmymoney/kmymoney )
add_subdirectory( it_kmymoney/kmymoney )
add_subdirectory( pt_kmymoney/kmymoney )
add_subdirectory( pt_BR_kmymoney/kmymoney )
add_subdirectory( sv_kmymoney/kmymoney )                                       
add_subdirectory( uk_kmymoney/kmymoney )                                       

I hope this sheds some light.



Thomas Baumgart

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