On 02/04/2012 09:21 PM, Luiz Romário Santana Rios wrote:

So, so far, I compiled KDE from the sources in a separated user
account dedicated for KDE development, following that Techbase

But, as this has led to many inconvenients, I'd like to know how (or
if) I can use my own user account for KDE development, especially for
plasmoid, dataengine development and/or frameworks development. How
can I configure KDevelop, environment stuff and so on.

To run applications, I _think_ something like
"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/local/kde/installation app" should do the job,
although I'm not sure if this is enough and I can't test anything
*right now*.

Thanks in advance.


Which tutorial did you follow on techbase.kde.org please? (url) As far as I know, the recommended method is to use your normal account so I am a bit surprised.

Also, what part of KDE do you want to work on? Apart from kdelibs and kde-runtime, kde-workspace and kde-baseapps, you do not need the full compilation of KDE.

Thanks in advance for more precisions,


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