Hi all,
I'm making my first kioslave and I've got a doubt, as already posted
here http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=102547.
My protocol has the lines:


and my kdemain is as follows:

extern "C" int KDE_EXPORT kdemain( int argc, char **argv )
  kDebug(RoleFSDebugArea()) << "[kdemain] starting";
  KComponentData instance( "kio_rolefs" );

  kDebug(RoleFSDebugArea()) << "kdemain is creating a slave...";
  RoleFSKIOSlave slave( "Hello","Slave", instance, argv[2], argv[3] );
  kDebug(RoleFSDebugArea()) << "staring the dispatch loop";
  kDebug(RoleFSDebugArea()) << "kdemain] ending";
  return 0;

So it should do nothing very special here. However, when I open
dolphin (a single window) and point it to the rolefs:/// path I see in
the ~/.xsession-errors log file the following messages:

unnamed app(9078)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: [kdemain] starting
kio_rolefs(9078)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: kdemain is creating a slave...
kio_rolefs(9078)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: staring the dispatch loop
unnamed app(9084)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: [kdemain] starting
kio_rolefs(9084)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: kdemain is creating a slave...
kio_rolefs(9084)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: staring the dispatch loop
unnamed app(9087)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: [kdemain] starting
kio_rolefs(9087)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: kdemain is creating a slave...
unnamed app(9088)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: [kdemain] starting
kio_rolefs(9088)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: kdemain is creating a slave...
kio_rolefs(9087)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: staring the dispatch loop
unnamed app(9089)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: [kdemain] starting
kio_rolefs(9089)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: kdemain is creating a slave...
kio_rolefs(9089)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: staring the dispatch loop
kio_rolefs(9088)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: staring the dispatch loop
unnamed app(9090)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: [kdemain] starting
kio_rolefs(9090)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: kdemain is creating a slave...
kio_rolefs(9090)/[RoleFS debug] kdemain: staring the dispatch loop

therefore there are processes 9078, 9084, 9087, 9088, 9089 and 9090
for a total of 6 kioslaves running at the same time. The rolefs:///
root path displays 3 icons, one of which contains 4 other elements.
Besides this, I'd like to know when kioslave are created and how is it
possible to handle a "shared" state so that if the user opens two file
manager views the slaves are accessing the same underlying values
(beside haveing to re-read the configuration).


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