El Dimecres, 21 de novembre de 2012, a les 19:05:18, Julien va escriure:
> Hi,
> This is a patch for the bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=296682
> It prevents to make buttons as inactive after having deleted or cutted an
> item.
> Thus, this bug does not only concern the delete button after having deleted
> an item, but also the following buttons : cut and copy, after having
> deleted OR cutted an item.
> It's my first patch submit :), I wanted to post it in the ReviewBoard, but
> it seems that the Kmenuedit group does not exist.

Since kmenuedit is in kde-workspace that is the group you have to use the kde-
workspace group

Oh wait, there's no kde-workspace group :D

Maybe kde-baseapps?

Anyway, i had a look at the patch and gave it a quick test and it works for 
me. If noone disagrees i'll commit it in about 24 hours.


> Thanks

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