
I am encountering a problem which I don't know how to tackle. Maybe someone 
here has an idea.

I have a model derived from QAbstractTableModel displaying in a QTableView. 
The model contains multiple rows with 4 columns each. All cells are filled 
with data. One row however contains only data in the two leftmost cells, the 
other ones are not used. The problem is, that due to the limited screen size 
on this embedded device, the value in the second column of this row is cut off 
(with three trailing dots) whereas it could span over the third and fourth 
column easily.

So, I hope I was able to describe the problem and that now there is someone 
with an idea how I can accomplish to get this spanning done? Any help is very 
much appreciated.



Thomas Baumgart

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Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing
work, yet getting the work done.

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