Just as a reminder....

On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 1:54 PM, Valorie Zimmerman
<valorie.zimmer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yesterday we got the email we'd been waiting for, beginning:
> "Congratulations! KDE has been selected as a Google Summer of Code
> 2016 mentor organization.
> Please click here to visit your organization profile and start adding 
> mentors."
> That last bit is new. If you plan to mentor, please
> 1. Message one of us admins with your google-connected account email
> as soon as possible

** This is necessary even if you are already on KDE-Soc-Mentor list,
have mentored before, even if you mentored for GCi.**

Also, if you messaged one of us, and you have not yet been invited to
the new GSoC webapp, please ping one of us admins again. So far we
have only 19 mentors and 5 admins.

> 2. Subscribe to KDE-Soc-Mentor ML:
> https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-soc-mentor
> 3. Check out your team and ideas on the GSoC Ideas page, and improve
> if necessary: https://community.kde.org/GSoC/2016/Ideas
> Pay particular attention to communication methods; many of the
> students are new to open source, and may not be familar with/or cannot
> access IRC channels. Telegram is a good free-ish fallback which is
> working well for some teams.
> The wikis are open for edits again; if you run into difficulties
> logging in, please see
> https://community.kde.org/Sysadmin/Wiki-Phablogin or stop by #kde-www
> in freenode if all else fails.


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