Hello folks, we've finally worked out a glitch in getting me as one of
the org admins for GCi. I was greeted by this message when logging in:

Welcome back

Contest begins: November 28, 2016

You have 19 days to create your minimum of 75 tasks for the initial
launch and invite and assign mentors to the tasks.

So if you wish to mentor at any point in the contest, please ask now
to be invited to the webapp so that you can add your task(s). You do
not have to *publish* the task unless you are available to help
students accomplish the task on November 28th.

Remember to also subscribe to KDE-Soc-Mentor ML if you have not
already done so. If you have subbed and confirmed your email (look in
your spam if you don't see it), ping one of us on IRC or email if you
don't get your 'you are subscribed' email. If you want to be an org
admin, or have other organizational questions, talk to us about that
in #kde-soc-admin or on the KDE-soc-management ML.

We are below the minimum required number of available tasks.

Start creating more tasks and publish ASAP. Remember to get a good
spread across each of the 5 categories and ensure there are enough
beginner tasks. Consult the website if you want more detail about

Something to consider: creating a good, *simple* title for your task
is the most important part to drawing good students to do it!

Once we get into the swing of the contest, good students can be urged
to create their own tasks, based on bugs they find, etc.

We can create tasks such as Present the work you are doing for GCi to
your school, create a short youtube presentation of application X, or
new feature Y, run this test, *write* a test, create a docker setup
for other students -- use your creativity, and remember that we can
create new tasks as we go along, as well as re-using some tasks many

Remember to use "they" or "them" when necessary, not "he" or "him". We
want all students to feel welcome.

I want all mentors to feel welcome as well, especially former GCi, SoK
and GSoC students!



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