Camilo Higuita Rodriguez ha scritto:
> Excuse mentioned jump into the conversation out of the blue.
> Something that would be really cool is to refactor spectacle or ksnip to make
> use of qqc2 with Kirigami pointing to plans mobile too. 
> If that were the case and you feel interested I could jump in and help. 

I remember (correct me if I'm wrong) that at the time when Boudhayan wrote
Spectacle, he found out that a QtQuick-based interface was not suitable (I
think for performance reason), but I can't find the reference anymore.

That said, an *additional* qml interface may be useful, but the use case for
screenshotting on a phone are more limited, at least with only a single
application at a time on the screen. I guess that in 99% the integrated
screenshotting feature of Android - for example - is good.


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