1. What is the canonical way to be notified of Phabricator changes for projects you're interested in? Subscribe to that project's mailing list? Can you clarify what this means for someone who joins or "watches" a project in Phabricator? Should we stop doing that?

2. If someone is subscribed to the project's mailing list and also joins the project in Phabricator, will they continue to receive duplicate emails?

3. Who should be listed as reviewers for diffs? Only individual people? Nobody?

4. What does this mean for projects like Dolphin or Spectacle that don't have mailing lists?


On 05/09/2018 02:08 AM, Ben Cooksley wrote:
Hi all,

To improve the user experience around email and in-application
notifications from Phabricator, sysadmin have made some changes to the
configuration of our Herald rules.

Going forward, instead of subscribing projects to reviews, we will
only be subscribing mailing lists now. For those reviews which have
already been created, they will be updated to reflect the new practice
the next time they are changed.

This means that individual project members will no longer receive
notifications and emails for every single review or task change that
affects their project. Instead, they will only receive notifications
and emails for reviews they have been individually subscribed to.

To help this change take full effect, it would be appreciated if
people refrain from adding Projects as reviewers, as that will have
the effect of subscribing the Project to the review as well
(Phabricator does not require you specify a reviewer)

Should anyone have any questions regarding this, please open a thread
on the kde-devel@kde.org mailing list.

Ben Cooksley
KDE Sysadmin

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