El dimecres, 21 de novembre de 2018, a les 17:36:47 CET, Никита Сиргиенко va 
> For example, we have KDE Aplication program with knsrc files for
> KNS3::DownloadDialog (from KHotNewStuff - KDE Framework).
> Acording to documentation (
> https://api.kde.org/frameworks/knewstuff/html/classKNS3_1_1DownloadDialog.html,
> "Detailed Description")  KNewStuff searchs knsrc files only in /etc/xdg
> directory.
> It works good for packages from repository, because in this case, if we
> install knsrc files using KDE_INSTALL_CONFDIR, in package the files will be
> in /etc/xdg.
> But, if we build and install the program from source, we have some
> problems: we could don't change CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (/usr/local/ by
> default) or change it to /opt, for example. And in this cases
> KDE_INSTALL_CONFDIR will be different from /etc/xdg.
> And DownloadDialog can't found our knsrc files.
> So, anyone know good solution for this problem, except obvious passing
> cmake the confdir variable to code as preprocessor variable and using
> dialog constructor with  path to configuration file?

Install to whatever prefix you want and just define XDG_CONFIG_DIRS to it.

Or just source the prefix.sh file created on your build dir that already sets 
that environment variable correctly.


> Best Regards,
> Nikita

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