On 14.10.2019 21:22, Frederik Schwarzer wrote:

just asking in case I didn't get it.

I branch off of master and do a few commits in that new branch.
If I now merge the branch back to master and master had not seen any commits in between, it's just relocating the master "tag" and all is fine.

If however, master had seen commits as well, fast-forwarding is performing a rebase ... is that correct?


Wouldn't rebasing be evil because it rewrites history?

Well, it only rewrites your personal branch. Just don't tell anybody :)

In all seriousness though: it's not specific to gitlab, you're supposed to rewrite history to address code review anyway. It would be the same even with mailing-list-managed projects: somebody says "No, it would be better if 3-rd and 4-th patches would be joined into one", and now to do it you need to rewrite your local commits history.

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