Hi KDE devs!

I’m maintainer of kde-mac/kde[0] Homebrew[1] tap, this is third-party repo that 
helps to install KDE packages on Mac. Currently we have 110 packages. Many 
end-user KDE apps doesn’t support running on Mac flawlessly, so we often end up 
sending bugs upstream and even create and try to upstream own patches that fix 
build of packages on macOS. 

We are willing to put this project under KDE umbrella, but we need to be 
incubated first. Most contributions for now is made by me, but when I first 
joined project main contributor was KDE developer Kevin Funk[2]. Then there was 
some seasoned contributors, but now there is not much of contributions except 

I started from a ticket[3] to Sysadmin board with request for a KDE-mac group 
on invent, but Ben Cooksley said that project needs to be incubated first, and 
said that better place will be packaging group.

So I had pushed our repo to invent[5], which required me to rewrite history, 
because KDE’s GitLab receive hook complained about not real committers and 
authors. I plan to port more commits soon. And obviously I plan to be in 
compliance to KDE manifesto and make sure that other contributors follow it too.


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