Hello Sven.

Thank you for the clarification. I tried to make a style plugin since my
last message, and I see what you mean about stylesheets not being styles.
I've been trying very hard to find a way to convert between the two but it
hasn't worked out.

I'm going to try to make my own implementation of the CSS parser idea that
you referenced in your other email, and I'll report back to this thread
once I have a prototype. I'll try to build on top of the QSS syntax, which
I originally thought was the reason everyone seemed against stylesheets but
now I know that's not the case. Again, thanks for all your help!

On Wed, Jun 1, 2022 at 4:44 PM Sven Brauch <m...@svenbrauch.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 6/1/22 20:41, samuel ammonius wrote:
> > However, I still don't see the point of avoiding QSS because it seems to
> > be able to do everything CSS can (besides transformations, which are the
> > only difference that I've been able to find so far).
> Sorry but then you're not looking very hard. Look at e.g. [1].
> Just from a quick scroll-through, I find a lot of stuff QSS has never
> heard about, such as animations, box-shadow, caret-color, clipping,
> filter, float, advanced font options, text transform, text shadow, media
> queries, blend mode, overflow, perspective, transitions, n-th-child
> selectors, in general half the selectors, all CSS functions,
> before/after content, etc etc etc.
> But that's not even the problem. The problem is that QSS is not a style
> by itself, it is applied *on top of* a style such as Fusion, and does
> *not* give you full control over that style.
> So what do you even want to achieve?
> Do you want a fully customizable style? QSS isn't, it's not even *a*
> style to begin with.
> Do you want to apply some customization while preserving the base looks
> of whatever style the user has configured? Then QSS is a nice thing but
> unless you limit yourself to really basic stuff (mainly colors) some
> widgets will look weird or broken in some base styles, or in some
> applications. They might even break with colors alone, simply from the
> fact that a style sheet is set at all.
> I suggest we stop discussing this here at this point, I don't think it's
> very productive. I'd recommend you try to make a complete style changing
> appearance of all widgets (especially the more funky stuff: scrollbars,
> checkable combo boxes, progress bars, tool buttons with dropdowns,
> checkable menu items with icons, tree view items, ...) as you want them
> to look like with QSS, and open a few complicated applications (krita,
> dolphin, kdevelop, gwenview, the KDE file dialogs) with that style. I
> recommend a dark style, it tends to make problems more obvious. Try to
> make it perfect, like you'd actually want it to look like, not a
> prototype. I hope this experience helps you understand the concerns
> raised here. And if not -- well, maybe people here are wrong and this
> idea will fly after all ;)
> Greetings,
> Sven
> _________________
> [1] https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/default.asp

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