
Beginners that want to program for KDE start by building KDE git
repositories using kdesrc-build.
They find it really hard to convert the kdesrc-build error "Unable to
configure kpat with KDE CMake" to the solution "sudo apt install

Yes, the reasons are: they do not know enough about their Linux
distribution, they did not read the entire wiki page
https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved/development and its children.

Please help me get
https://invent.kde.org/sdk/kdesrc-build/-/merge_requests/160 merged.

This way, we will get at the end of the kdesrc-build output:

"Possible solution: Install the build dependencies for the modules:
krfb, kpat.
Using 'sudo apt build-dep <source_package>', 'sudo dnf builddep <package>'
or similar.


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