Am Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2023, 18:43:50 CEST schrieb Kai Uwe Broulik:
>  > Probably libexiv2 on the CI host was updated to libexiv2 0.28, but
>  > KFileMetaData was not rebuilt. Automatic dependency tracking for
> artifacts
>  > from the CI system is obviously incomplete (or likely nonexistent).
> Isn’t that (among other things) the reason kexiv2 exists?

Does not help if kexiv2 is not rebuilt and deployed as artifact when exiv2 on 
the image changed in a incompatible version?

Triggered the needed manual rerun of kfilemetadata now, so the exiv plugin 
artifact is updated to the match the current base image. Also reran the 
tellico jump afterwards, seems to pass now again.

Curious: are the images regenerated automatically or manually? in both cases, 
triggering also seed runs should be something part of that process? As we seem 
to run into such things again and again?


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