On Sun, Jul 23, 2023 at 12:18 AM Ben Bonacci <b...@benbonacci.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone!

Hi Ben,

> For the past few days I've been working on Bug Safari, which is a Python
> script that gets statistics for Plasma bugs and sends a report to the
> #plasma room on Matrix, which is one of the dot points for KDE's
> Automation goal.
> I've now got the script uploaded to Invent at
> https://invent.kde.org/bbonacci/bug-safari for anyone to look over, make
> improvements or implement.

Thanks for this, I have just had a quick look over the code and it overall
looks pretty reasonable, and also follows best practice of setting it's own
user agent.

One small suggestion would be to add some small sleeps in to ensure that
the server endpoints don't get hammered by your requests.
While the script by itself is fairly innocent, if similar scripts were
added for a series of other channels and they all ran at the same time,
this could result in a rush on the server that could make it inaccessible
to normal users (or at the very least impact responsiveness).

Adding some sleeps (ideally for a random number of seconds as people tend
to pick the same cron times to run stuff on) will ensure this doesn't
become an issue.

> Regards,
> Ben


> --
> Ben Bonacci
> https://benbonacci.com
> C0A9 E67F 8CDC B1A1 0860 1807 E018 065C C7DF 3976
> Quote of the Day: "What's the good of living if you don't try a few
> things?" - Charles M. Schulz

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