El Dimecres, 27 de juny de 2012, a les 09:29:54, Pieter Nuyts va escriure:
> Dear Yuri,
> Of course you cannot provide help for linking with all possible editors,
> but I was thinking this inverse search tool would be kind of
> editor-independent since there is a configuration field where you can
> choose the editor (although of course not all editors will support it).  By
> default, I think this field said Kate, not Kile, so I suppose it works with
> Kate as well.  And since it is natively supported by the DVI format, one
> could expect other LaTeX editors to support this feature as well.
> Looking from the other side, the makers of the Kile documentation could
> probably argue that there are also many DVI viewers and wonder whether they
> should provide help for all of those.
>  Personally I think it would make sense to explain the Kile part (i.e.
> putting the build setting to "Modern" in Kile) and the Okular part
> (shift-clicking in the viewer) in Okular, since it is an Okular feature and
> since it probably also works with e.g. Kate or KWrite.

Yes, the way how reverse coding is invoked (i.e. the shift-clicking part) 
should be part of the okular manual.

Can anybody please add it?

  Albert - Okular developer

> I think it would be even better to either mention both parts of the
> documentation in both manuals or link between both manuals (I suppose that
> is possible since they are both parts of the KDE manual).  I don't think
> there's anything wrong with connecting both manuals since the programs are
> also related.  They are all part of KDE which integrates many different
> programs so the manual can also be integrated.  In my opinion, non-KDE
> users who want to use Kile or Okular have to live with the fact that they
> are KDE programs and that they integrate better with each other than with
> other applications.  If they don't want to use Kile, they might not have
> the inverse search function, but it doesn't hurt anyone if it is in the
> documentation.  Then at least they know why there is a configuration field
> for the editor, and they can try if it also works with their favorite
> editor.
> Actually I am mainly a Gnome user myself but I use Kile because it's the
> best LaTeX editor I know and KDVI / Okular since it integrates with Kile...
> Anyway, all this is just my opinion and since I'm not a KDE developer it's
> not up to me to decide which documentation goes where :-)  I just didn't
> find it since I didn't expect it to be in the Kile manual, so I just wanted
> to point that out.  Maybe just mentioning "See the Kile manual for more
> information" could already solve this.
> In any case, the inverse search now works in my Okular as well, so thank
> you for your very fast response.
> Best regards,
> Pieter
> On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 6:11 PM, Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor at ukr.net> wrote:
> > ???????? Tue, 26 Jun 2012 18:56:33 +0300, Pieter Nuyts <
> > 
> > pieter.nuyts at esat.kuleuven.be**>:
> >  Dear,
> >  
> >> I am mailing about the Okular help page "Configuring Okular > Editor". 
> >> It
> >> explains that it may be useful to specify an editor since Okular can use
> >> it
> >> to jump to the right place in the LaTeX source code.  However, the page
> >> does not explain how to do this.
> >> 
> >> I know this feature from KDVI where it worked very well together with
> >> Kile,
> >> but clicking with the middle mouse button in Okular doesn't seem to work.
> >> 
> >> I think it would be useful to add this information to the help page. 
> >> Also
> >> I would be very happy if you could tell me how to use this feature in
> >> Okular.
> >> 
> >> Best regards,
> >> 
> >> Pieter Nuyts
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > This is explained in Kile documentation.
> > 
> > http://docs.kde.org/**development/en/extragear-**
> > office/kile/quick_inverse.html<http://docs.kde.org/development/en/extragea
> > r-office/kile/quick_inverse.html>
> > 
> > It is done so to avoid irritation of many non-KDE users who may think that
> > their editor is the best (I do not think so ;) ).
> > 
> > To be serious, there are too many LaTeX editors to explain the commands
> > for:
> > 
> > Emacs
> > LaTeXila
> > TeXmaker
> > TeXstudio
> > Vim
> > ...
> > 
> > Should we provide the commands for them all?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance for your answer.
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > Yuri

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