Git commit 8cea6ee02809f2cca3dbc3b89a574b06906db95a by Alexander Reinholdt.
Committed on 17/03/2019 at 19:37.
Pushed by areinholdt into branch 'master'.

Updated handbook.

D  +-    --    doc/dialog_question_force_unmounting.png
M  +34   -3    doc/index.docbook
M  +-    --    doc/network_neighborhood_browser_mount_dialog.png
M  +-    --    doc/network_neighborhood_browser_popup_menu.png
M  +-    --    doc/network_neighborhood_browser_preview_dialog.png
M  +-    --    doc/network_neighborhood_browser_print_dialog.png
A  +-    --    doc/network_neighborhood_browser_searching.png

diff --git a/doc/dialog_question_force_unmounting.png 
deleted file mode 100644
index ff42c16..0000000
Binary files a/doc/dialog_question_force_unmounting.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/index.docbook b/doc/index.docbook
index 931d95f..4014f07 100644
--- a/doc/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/index.docbook
@@ -170,6 +170,26 @@
       <para>&smb4k; uses a traditional scan mode, where initially only 
workgroups and domains are looked up and scans are only made when necessary 
&#8212; &ie; when you execute a network item &#8212;.</para>
       <para>There is also the possibility to wake up sleeping servers prior to 
scanning the network neighborhood (Wake-On-LAN). If this feature is enabled, 
&smb4k; sends a magic package to each server that is to be woken up and waits 
the defined time until it starts the lookup of the workgroups and domains. The 
Wake-On-LAN setting can be turned on in the <link 
linkend="configuration_page_network_wake_on_lan">configuration dialog</link>. 
The servers that should to be woken up have to be defined in the <link 
Options</link> dialog.</para>
+      Using Smb4K : The Network Neighborhood Browser : Searching
+  -->
+    <sect2 id="network_neighborhood_browser_searching">
+      <title>Searching</title>
+      <para>To search the network neighborhood for shares that contain a 
certain search item, press either the search shortcut or activate the 
<guibutton>Search</guibutton> action from the menu (see also the <link 
linkend="network_neighborhood_browser_actions_popup_menu">Actions an Popup 
Menu</link> section below). The search toolbar opens at the bottom of the 
network neighborhood browser.</para>
+      <screenshot>
+        <screeninfo>Screenshot of the network neighborhood browser with 
visible search toolbar</screeninfo>
+        <mediaobject>
+          <imageobject><imagedata 
fileref="network_neighborhood_browser_searching.png" format="PNG" 
+          <textobject><phrase>The network neighborhood browser with visible 
search toolbar</phrase></textobject>
+        </mediaobject>
+      </screenshot>
+      <para>Enter the search term in the line edit and press the &Enter; key 
or click the <guibutton>Search</guibutton> button. &smb4k; starts to search the 
entire network neighborhood. When the search finished, all shares matching the 
search term are highlighted (selected). If you would like to do something with 
<emphasis>all</emphasis> discovered shares (&eg; mount or preview), you can 
immediately do this now. Otherwise, you can use the <guibutton>Up</guibutton> 
and <guibutton>Down</guibutton> buttons to jump to the individual search 
results. The <guibutton>Clear</guibutton> button can be used to clear the 
search. To close the search toolbar, press the <guibutton>Close</guibutton> 
+    </sect2>
       Using Smb4K : The Network Neighborhood Browser : Actions and Popup Menu 
@@ -203,6 +223,17 @@
             <para>Abort any running process of the network neighborhood 
browser. This action is invisible by default and will only be visible instead 
of the <guimenuitem>Scan Network|Workgroup|Computer</guimenuitem> action when a 
network scan is running.</para>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term>
+            <menuchoice>
+              <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl; 
+              <guimenuitem>Search</guimenuitem>
+            </menuchoice>
+          </term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Search the network neighborhood for a specified search term. 
Activating this action opens the search toolbar where you can enter the search 
term and start the search.</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>        
@@ -342,7 +373,7 @@
         <para>Here you can enter the location of the share either as <ulink 
 Naming Convention (UNC)</ulink> address in the form 
<programlisting>//[USER@]SERVER/SHARE</programlisting> or 
<programlisting>\\[USER@]SERVER\SHARE</programlisting> or as URL in the form 
<programlisting>[smb:]//[user@]server:port/share</programlisting> The 
<guibutton>OK</guibutton> button will be enabled and you can press it to mount 
the share. However, it is advisable to enter the IP address and the workgroup 
of the server, too. If you want to add the share to the bookmarks at the same 
time, tick the <guibutton>Add this share to the bookmarks</guibutton> check 
-      <para>Often a share is password protected. In this case, an <link 
dialog</link> will appear and you have to enter the correct user name (if not 
already provided) and password. &smb4k; will proceed mounting the share unless 
a wrong user name or password was supplied. In that case, the authentication 
dialog will reappear. If the mount process was successful, the user will be 
shown a notification and the share will appear in the <link 
linkend="shares_view">mounted shares view</link>. If mounting fails, a 
notification with the error message that was returned by <ulink 
 (&Linux;) or <ulink 
 (FreeBSD, NetBSD) will be shown.</para>
+      <para>Often a share is password protected. In this case, an <link 
dialog</link> will appear and you have to enter the correct user name (if not 
already provided) and password. &smb4k; will proceed mounting the share unless 
a wrong user name or password was supplied. In that case, the authentication 
dialog will reappear. If the mount process was successful, the user will be 
shown a notification and the share will appear in the <link 
linkend="shares_view">Mounted Shares</link> view. If mounting fails, a 
notification with the error message that was returned by <ulink 
 (&Linux;) or <ulink 
 (FreeBSD, NetBSD) will be shown.</para>
@@ -360,7 +391,7 @@
           <textobject><phrase>The print dialog</phrase></textobject>
-      <para>In the <guilabel>Printer</guilabel> section various information 
about the printer is shown. Under <guilabel>File</guilabel> you have to provide 
the path to the file you want to print. The number of copies can be defined 
under <guibutton>Options >></guibutton>. Press <guibutton>Print...</guibutton> 
to start the print process.</para>
+      <para>In the <guilabel>Information</guilabel> section various 
information about the printer is shown. Under <guilabel>File and 
Settings</guilabel> you have to provide the path to the file you want to print 
and the desired number of copies. Press <guibutton>Print</guibutton> to start 
the print process.</para>
       <para>&smb4k; currently supports PDF, Postscript, image, and text files. 
If you try to print a file with an unsupported mimetype, a notification with an 
error message will appear telling you the mimetype is not supported. In this 
case you have to convert the file manually to Postscript or PDF and try 
@@ -379,7 +410,7 @@
           <textobject><phrase>The preview dialog</phrase></textobject>
-      <para>The preview dialog acts like a simple file manager. You can 
navigate through the contents of the remote share by clicking the folder icons 
in the list view and the <guibutton>Up</guibutton>, 
<guibutton>Back</guibutton>, and <guibutton>Forward</guibutton> button. The 
current location is displayed in the combo box on the right hand side. The 
<guibutton>Reload</guibutton> button reloads the contents of the current 
+      <para>The preview dialog acts like a simple file manager. You can 
navigate through the contents of the remote share by clicking the folder icons 
in the list view. You can go one level up by using the 
<guibutton>Up</guibutton> button and reload the contents of the current folder 
by pressing the <guibutton>Reload</guibutton> button. The current location is 
displayed in the combo box on the right hand side. You can also access already 
visited folders with it.</para>
       <para>By default, the preview dialog only shows folders and files that 
are not hidden. You can change this behavior in the <link 
dialog</link>. File transfers or the like are not possible.</para>
diff --git a/doc/network_neighborhood_browser_mount_dialog.png 
index b8a2206..8206ccc 100644
Binary files a/doc/network_neighborhood_browser_mount_dialog.png and 
b/doc/network_neighborhood_browser_mount_dialog.png differ
diff --git a/doc/network_neighborhood_browser_popup_menu.png 
index fa03b1e..b31b7b6 100644
Binary files a/doc/network_neighborhood_browser_popup_menu.png and 
b/doc/network_neighborhood_browser_popup_menu.png differ
diff --git a/doc/network_neighborhood_browser_preview_dialog.png 
index 4bbfd66..e04a44b 100644
Binary files a/doc/network_neighborhood_browser_preview_dialog.png and 
b/doc/network_neighborhood_browser_preview_dialog.png differ
diff --git a/doc/network_neighborhood_browser_print_dialog.png 
index 691351a..342e16b 100644
Binary files a/doc/network_neighborhood_browser_print_dialog.png and 
b/doc/network_neighborhood_browser_print_dialog.png differ
diff --git a/doc/network_neighborhood_browser_searching.png 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8627c0f
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/network_neighborhood_browser_searching.png 

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