On 12/22/23 18:50, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
El dijous, 21 de desembre de 2023, a les 19:54:54 (CET), Jack Ostroff va
Good afternoon all,
Good afternoon.
While updating the KMyMoney handbook, there are several sections
written by a contributor who is deceased.
That is sad news :(
The loss was a few years ago, and we have already added an appropriate notation in places he is credited as a contributor.
While I still want to give
him credit for the work, I'm wondering what to do with his email
address, which is obviously no longer valid.  Should I just replace the
address with "Deceased"?  Is there any policy or history of what to do
I'm not sure this list is the best to answer this, adding in copy the KDE eV
board in case they know about any such policy.

Now i'm going into total guessing territory and just my opinion territory:
  * If the email was added as a way to add contact or give "visibility", just
remove it
I will do that in many places.  However,  in this case, I am specifically asking about where he is listed as an author of a chapter/section within the handbook.  Normally the list of authors includes names and emails.  I suppose I could just replace the email with "deceased." in those places.
  * If the email was added as some way to do copyright claim, as far as I
understand the copyright passed to after his death, so that person should be
listed, or contacted and convinced to sign the KDE FLA on behalf of the
deceased person? https://ev.kde.org/rules/fla/
That is relevant, as he did contribute to the code.  If his email account still exists, I will ask his brother (who is the one who notified us) about signing.
This also brought up a different question for me - in KMyMoney's
index.docbook there are a number of entities for authors with a comment
that they have been added to contributor.entities in svn.  I just
looked at contributor.entities in git, and I do not see all of these.
Might I be looking in the wrong place, or did the conversion from svn
to git (how long ago?) possibly not include all defined author
entities?  At worst, I suppose I can just add them now, and continue to
leave them in index until our minimum version required by KMyMoney is
sufficient to include  them.

Thanks for any thoughts.


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