On 2012-09-17, Dario Freddi <drf54...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> you might or might not know by now of my intention of revamping the
> way we deal with notifications in KDE as I explained in my last blog
> post 
> http://drfav.wordpress.com/2012/09/17/the-notifications-issue-part-3-the-possible-solution/
> . I have been talking about this with many of you already but I think
> it's time to see what's the overall reception to the idea and what's
> coming up for the actual job.

I'm not sure I agree with the problems and thus, also not with the
proposed solutions.

> I know Sune already had some plans for the notification stack and I
> think that's one of the best times for discussing what's going to

yep. the plan is
1) write a small library wrapping the org.freedesktop.notification api
   wrap growl on mac
   wrap QSystemTrayIcon on windows
2) do something similar for audio notifications
3) retrofit knotification on top of those

and the more I have investigated, 1) should actually be put into Qt and
That should also make it possible for e.g. webkit to use it to show web
Unfortunately, I'm currently a bit busy with stuff :/

> My personal idea is to have a new (tier1) framework consisting of a
> way for building handlers, a client API and a server API (so that the

Really? I_think we should get rid of a daemon and just let the workspace
shell handle it.

How the workspace chooses to handle it is not a discussion I'm planning
to enter. We have more skilled people for that than me.

I have a hard time figuring out why the above quite simple steps don't
solve the problems you're specifying (and even ensures that you keep all
existing applications working with their notifications)


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