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On 04/04/2013 11:13 PM, David Gil Oliva wrote:
> --From Wikipedia: "*ThreadWeaver* is a programming library developed for
> KDE 4 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_Software_Compilation_4>^[1]
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ThreadWeaver#cite_note-CNET-1> by Mirko
> Boehm that allows developers to easily take advantage of multi-core
> processors <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-core_processor>.^[1]
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ThreadWeaver#cite_note-CNET-1> In
> ThreadWeaver the workload is divided into individual jobs, then
> relationship between jobs (what order they should be completed or which
> has a higher priority); from that ThreadWeaver will work out the most
> efficient way to execute them. Krita
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krita> has implemented visual filter
> previews using ThreadWeaver to prevent GUI lockups."
> I think that the fact that developers don't use KDE-Platform-independent
> libraries won't cease until something is done about the texts of these
> packages. Something like "Multiplatform C++ Qt-based multithreaded
> library" would be so much appealing! I know I can use ThreadWeaver
> because I have entered this project. Otherwise, I would have never
> considered it.
Hello David,

thanks for the encouragement. It is actually a good time to talk about
this, since the KDE Frameworks that we are just building are meant to be
more mix-and-match type extensions to Qt than before. For ThreadWeaver,
I plan to write a number of posts about how it can be used, and will
stress the fact that it can be used in about any C++ project.

I hope the other framework developers agree when I say that the best
time to begin advertising this is around the KDE conference this year,
which will be held together with the Qt Contributor Summit.


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