On Sunday 03 November 2013 14:37:33 Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Sunday 03 November 2013, Kevin Ottens wrote:
> > On Sunday 03 November 2013 14:05:32 Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> ...
> > > To build software using an installed karchive, they don't need anything
> > > but a compiler.
> > > To build software using karchive with cmake, they still need only cmake.
> > > To build software using karchive *for KDE*, they need cmake and
> > > tier0-kf5
> > > if they want to comply to KDE standards. They'll need ECM only if they
> > > need something from it.
> > > 
> > > To build karchive itself, they would need cmake + tier0-kf5 + ECM (which
> > > would not necessarily need to be installed).
> > 
> > For the record, it's what third parties developers tend to do (build it
> > themselves from the sources) and it's not acceptable if they have to
> > install both a tier0 and ecm. We need to cater to their needs to, and with
> > a recipe like that it's just harder.
> I understand what you mean.
> For tier1, I agree. For using tier>1, IMO it doesn't matter anymore.
> Also, I was hoping that ECM would become such a common source of files that
> it would usually be present anyway on a developer system with cmake.
> This won't be the case if it is tied as closely to KF5 as it has become (due
> to the KDE*.cmake files being there).

Yep, I understand the point, but until we get a better solution I understand 
why we ended up with the KDE* files being there...

> You mentioned git submodules, maybe this could be used (I'm no expert
> there), so it would be only one thing. Or, as I wrote, it could be
> (optionally) downloaded without having to be installed, so it would be
> still only one thing.

Yep, I think they are both my preferred ways out of the situation. I don't see 
the download patch solved quickly though... We should probably investigate the 
submodules route in the meantime.
Kévin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

KDAB - proud supporter of KDE, http://www.kdab.com

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