El Dissabte, 14 de desembre de 2013, a les 20:30:14, Kevin Ottens va escriure:
> Hello everyone,
> Now we're really getting there! Epics and review board are clean, thanks to
> everyone who helped to get there. Now it's the time to go for the last push.
> For that I opened what will be the last epic for the 5.0 release:
> http://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Epics/KF5.0_Release_Preparation
> As you can see it is split in two, one part for the tech preview, the second
> part for what will be needed for a final release. I urge everyone to focus
> on the tech preview tasks for now. Don't hesitate to give a hand to the
> people I put in contact for those tasks.
> Obviously splitting the repositories will likely come first as it was the
> focus for the past efforts.
> In particular please help Ben with the transition to the split repositories
> by first not pushing stuff (although if he prevents pushes in the first
> place you'll be the ones with patches to port ;)) and second by extensively
> testing the repositories once they are online. We might need several tries
> to get them ready, so pay attention to Ben's communication as he'll
> obviously coordinate that with his sysadmin super powers.
> Once the technology preview is tagged, then all attention will be needed on
> the remaining tasks to get a final release. This list looks suspiciously
> short to me (although some tasks are in fact rather large), so either we're
> in a good position already or I missed some stuff... The later being the
> most probable don't hesitate to add more to the list if you see fit. This
> list of tasks is basically our disguised definition of done for KF 5.0. If
> we get all the tasks done we should be able to release right away.
> After the technology preview we'll switch to a time based release for alphas
> and betas. We still have to decide on a frequency (I'm leaning toward every
> two weeks). It will be a good exercise to find issues in our release
> process and fix them before 5.0 final.

I'm missing a task so that the mentions of KDE4 in frameworks is smaller than 
it is now, a quick grep gives me stuff like

./tier2/kauth/src/kauthactionreply.h:158: kde4_add_executable(<helper_target> 
your sources...)
kde4_install_auth_actions(<helper_id> <actions definition file>)
./tier4/apidox/src/doxygen-preprocess-kcfg.sh:5:kcfg_compiler="`kde4-config --
./tier4/apidox/src/doxygen-preprocess-kcfg.sh:5:kcfg_compiler="`kde4-config --
TEST ${kdxspreview_SRCS})
./tier3/xmlgui/src/kbugreport.cpp:395:  // ### KDE4: why oh why is 
KEMailSettings in kio?
./tier3/kio/src/widgets/thumbcreator.h:57: * find_package(KDE4 REQUIRED)
./tier3/kio/src/widgets/thumbcreator.h:58: * include (KDE4Defaults)
./tier3/kio/src/kpac/CMakeLists.txt:10:set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} 

And lots more that seem to be wrong/leftovers/needattention.


> Regards.

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