trmdi added a comment.

  @mart @dfaure
  I have some question.
  1, Should `DropJob::setApplicationActions()` be called only one time?
  2, I see this when I drop multiple file types at once to the desktop (e.g. 2 
jpg and 1 zip), the `DropJob::setApplicationActions()` is called 3 times as 
    Mimetype Job returns. "image/jpeg"
    Received a suitable dropEvent at QPoint(1199,237)
    Creating menu for: "image/jpeg" QPoint(1199,237)
    Mimetype Job returns. "application/zip"
    Received a suitable dropEvent at QPoint(1199,237)
    Creating menu for: "application/zip" QPoint(1199,237)
    Mimetype Job returns. "image/jpeg"
    Received a suitable dropEvent at QPoint(1199,237)
    Creating menu for: "image/jpeg" QPoint(1199,237)
  But finally only the last one's appActions are added to the menu. This is a 
bit weird.
  I want to understand your intention to make this patch as good as possible.

  R241 KIO


To: trmdi, #frameworks, davidedmundson, elvisangelaccio, mart, dfaure
Cc: ngraham, broulik, anthonyfieroni, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, 
michaelh, bruns

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