On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Martin Klapetek
<martin.klape...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 7:04 PM, Nicolás Alvarez <nicolas.alva...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> 2014-01-28 Martin Klapetek <martin.klape...@gmail.com>:
>> > Hey,
>> >
>> > would it be possible to change the default reply-to address for this
>> > list?
>> > It's quite annoying in less-advanced-than-kmail clients always pressing
>> > "Reply" and getting only the sender instead of the whole list.
>> >
>> > There's a switch for that in mailman, lots of lists have the "reply-to"
>> > set
>> > to the list address. Is there any reason why not for this list? And if
>> > not,
>> > can we please change it? :)
>> Whether or not to make reply-to point to the mailing list is a holy
>> war as old as mailing lists themselves.
>> See, for example: http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html
> To be honest I stopped reading after the "Freedom of Choice"
> paragraph...arguments as "Setting reply-to-list is arrogant, you should
> allow me to decide exactly how I wish to respond to a message" are
> just...just...strange, let's go with strange. Everytime you're replying to a
> message it's still /you/ who decides exactly how will you respond to the
> message :) Personally I see it just like the holy war over "GNU/Linux" or
> "Linux" and similar (Gnome, hint hint).
> Let's be pragmatic, how many times it happened to you that you actually
> responded to the author alone while you actually intended to respond to the
> list? It's just super annoying if you're communicating with lists like
> plasma-devel which has reply-to-list and dozen more KDE MLs which also have
> reply-to-list and then you're responding to k-f-devel and everytime it's
> that "oh wait, I need to change the reply-to address".


Yeah, i've had that issue quite a few times.
Now since i use gmail i either have an easy reply-to-all option or
(and that's even better) a labs plugin that automatically does
reply-to-all instead of reply.

I didn't even know this was something the mailing list software could influence.
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