rrosch added a comment.

  Tested on patched KF5 5.64, on Fedora 30 (32bit)... root node shows up! I had 
to change the call in my code that was originally:
    model->dirLister()->openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile("/"), KDirLister::Keep);
    model->openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile("/"), KDirModel::ShowRoot);
  and don't really know the implications of the change at this point. (Will it 
"Keep"? Does it matter that I now call the model's openURL vs the dirLister's?)
  I couldn't however get the following to work:
    QModelIndex index = getIndexFromUrl("/home/myuser");
    if (index.isValid()) {
  Which should show the node for "/home" as the root, but is instead giving me 
a flat listing of all the child nodes without "/home" as the root. Am I doing 
something wrong here? That part is called on a slot for the signal 
`&KDirModel::expand`. (Also, it would be great to have a setRootPath() that 
works in conjunction to expandToUrl or openUrl, to save processing cycles 
wasted on loading the parts of the model that won't be shown in the new 
rootIndex, like https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qfilesystemmodel.html#setRootPath )
  As it is relevant, I also tested the patch at 
http://www.davidfaure.fr/2019/kdirmodel_haschildren.diff for `hasChildren()`, 
which works as expected! Thank you!
  For the curious, I just downloaded the source rpm for `kf5-kio`, installed it 
as unprivileged user, edited the .spec file to include the raw diff here as a 
the //second// patch, and the raw diff for D25249 
<https://phabricator.kde.org/D25249> as the //first// patch (and copying them 
to `~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/` of course). I also had to change the `Release: ` line 
to something greater than the one already there so it installs without 
conflicts (I changed mine from "1" to "2patched"). Then just
    rpmbuild -bb ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/kf5-kio.spec 
  and install the relevant rpms. No need to rebuild all of KF5 from git (which 
I started to attempt and bailed pretty quickly after thinking this might be the 
easier/faster/less space-using way. Knowing this process will be useful for 
newcomers to help test features on their system without the daunting (and 
probably impossible due to limited space) task of compiling all of KF5. This 
could be added to the dev documentation somewhere.
  In any case, thanks again for implementing the feature! (Next step is to try 
to follow the same procedure to test the "crash on close of view" fix you 
submitted for Qt5, thanks also for that!)

  R241 KIO


To: dfaure, stefanocrocco, elvisangelaccio, meven, apol
Cc: rrosch, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, 

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