leinir added a comment.

  In D27544#622272 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D27544#622272>, @ngraham wrote:
  > As an aside, I'm somewhat dissatisfied with the current UX when there are 
multiple files. :( I converted a friend of mine to Plasma the other day and he 
was very confused by the multiple items available when he was downloading new 
stuff using the new GHNS window. I know that some of this is the fault of 
content uploaders, but if so, there has to be a way to guide them to upload 
only one file, or to mark a specific file as the real/primary one, and to label 
everything properly etc.
  We are at least two people not too happy with that situation... The label 
we're using for that now is technically a free-text field, so it certainly 
should be possible to fix in a backwards-compatible sort of way (as it's a 
question of what the server provides us with)... but as for "the real one", 
that's not a thing that makes sense except in very specific cases (for example, 
it makes no sense conceptually when you have e.g. icon sets or mouse cursor 
sets with multiple variants...). However, each downloaditem does have a tags 
section, and while that would need some thought put into it, i think we could 
do something clever with that. A bit outside the scope of this patch, of 
course, but something to spent some braining time on :)
  In the meantime, the situation needs some work anyway, as what currently 
happens when there's crazy long downloaditem names is that it gets elided on 
the right... which would be sort of fine, if you could get to that information 
some other way, which you can't, so... yup, wants fixing ;) (also outside the 
scope of this patch, mind, but still)

  R304 KNewStuff


To: leinir, #knewstuff, #frameworks, #plasma, ngraham, apol, 
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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