dfaure requested changes to this revision.
dfaure added a comment.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.

  This sounds wrong. The XDG-mandated entries use XDG separators, but the KDE 
entries don't (for instance, grepping my installed desktop files I can see 
those: X-Plasma-RequiredExtensions, X-Plasma-DropMimeTypes, X-KDE-FormFactors, 
X-KIPI-PluginCategories, X-KDE-ParentComponents in kdepim, they all use a comma 
  Yes it's a mess. KDE1 had ';', the XDG standard picked that up, then KDE2 
switched to ',' and now we have a mix. The way we handle this mess is that, in 
KConfig and in KService, the default is ',' and we specifically use 
readXdgListEntry for XDG entries.
  I think this means the correct fix here is to specifically hardcode 
X-Flatpak-RenamedFrom instead of testing the property type.

  R309 KService


To: apol, dfaure
Cc: dfaure, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, 

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