rjvbb added a comment.

  >   It's "KTextEditor", not "KCodeEditor". 
  Yes, but look at the traditional meaning of a text editor, which typically 
means "plain text" editor. KTextEditor's design decision to use a single 
lineheight puts it squarely in that domain - to reply in style: `It's 
"TKextEditor", not "KRichTextEditor" (and even less "KWordProcessor")` ...
  > write CJK LaTeX articles in Kile
  Like it or not, TeX is code (or a universal language, depending on how you 
look at it). That's intentional (WYSIWIG vs. WYSIAYG and all that). And 
frankly, TeX code is the last place where I'd expect this kind of rendering 
problem: doesn't it give you US-ASCII canonical representations of every 
possible glyph? (I know that doesn't help manuscript readability, but hey, 
that's the choice you make :) ) One could also make the argument that maybe 
Kile should look for another rendering engine if they want to support something 
more advanced than KTextEditor can offer. There are Qt  classes that have "rich 
text" support which might be more appropriate (if they offer editing support), 
and on the other end of the scale there's the Calligra project which probably 
has the required libraries.
  Anyway, serving a worldwide userbase isn't a new goal, but also shouldn't 
IMHO drag down usability to some lowest common denominator IMHO. Hence my firm 
request to make any chance that does have that effect optional, one way or 
another - I do agree with @sars .

  R39 KTextEditor


To: xuetianweng, #ktexteditor, cullmann, dhaumann, #frameworks, rjvbb
Cc: sars, pshinjo, rjvbb, fakefred, anthonyfieroni, kde-frameworks-devel, 
kwrite-devel, rrosch, LeGast00n, cblack, domson, michaelh, ngraham, bruns, 
demsking, cullmann, dhaumann

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