Am Samstag, 4. April 2020, 16:20:21 CEST schrieb Kevin Ottens:
> Overall apidox would likely need a big pass of cleanups as well.

I locally prepared the addition of ECMAddQch usage for KDAV tonight, and while 
testing the output already did some small bits of minor cleanup (consistent 
casing of terms like URL, ETag, etc. in the texts), documenting CamelCase 
includes of classes as well triggering the documentation of namespace KDAV.

One thing which should get fixed by someone with insights are all the 
remaining references to some "ResourceBase::retrieveItems()" in the docs 
(simply grep for the string to find those). That needs more context, or better 
some generalization what is meant there (seems something-Akonadi specific?).

Will commit the ECMAddQch stuff once
merge_requests/1 is in, to not block this more due to resulting new merge 


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