pino added a comment.

  In D29299#676439 <>, @dfaure wrote:
  > @pino Other than the fact that you think D29136 
<> is "good enough", do you have any concrete 
objection to this version?
  I think I already wrote enough comments on this...
  I asked for actual **valid** use cases when using the new variables first 
would break, and I still got none. There is a limit to how much you can keep 
broken code working... assuming such broken code exists. I don't think there is 
any of this such situation, as `ki18n_install()` is basically used by KF 
sources that use ECM already, with marble being the only exception (and even 
that, marble won't break).
  Oh, and just to make it clear: none of my comments implies that I don't care 
about ECM, nor about any users of it, nor that I "like" to purposefully break 
cmake scripts.

  R249 KI18n


To: kossebau, ilic, heikobecker, #frameworks, aacid, ltoscano
Cc: dfaure, pino, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh, ngraham, 

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