marcingu added a comment.

  I need help from someone with good understanding of Solid to continue.
  I'm don't know how to determinate if StorageAccess device is encrypted or 
not. I wanted to use  `StorageVolume::usage`, but it's not available for all 
types of devices and doesn't equal `encrypted` for LUKS encrypted volumes.

  R320 KIO Extras


To: marcingu, ivan, broulik, #dolphin, ngraham, meven, bruns, dfaure
Cc: dfaure, thiago, bruns, meven, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, kfm-devel, 
waitquietly, azyx, nikolaik, pberestov, iasensio, aprcela, fprice, LeGast00n, 
cblack, fbampaloukas, alexde, Codezela, feverfew, michaelh, spoorun, 
navarromorales, firef, andrebarros, emmanuelp, rdieter, mikesomov

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