aboyer added a comment.

  From my limited understanding of the theming system for KDE applications on 
Windows, the application needs to expose a drop down menu with a list of themes 
so that a user can switch to their desired theme. Even if we linked a disabled 
version of the library and enabled it in Craft, it wouldn't do anything since 
the application needs code to display a list of themes and a slot to change the 
theme. Given this requirement, I see this as a compile time option where an 
application must opt-in, link to KF5BreezeIcons.dll and add the code displaying 
the theme list. This is based on my understanding of how Kate handles themes. I 
have not looked into any other application. There might be a more generic way 
of changing/configuring themes for KDE applications on Windows that I am not 
aware of.
  That being said, putting the icon themes behind a CMake feature flag and 
linking all applications to KF5BreezeIcons.dll will not work for another 
reason. When disabled, the KF5BreezeIcons.dll library would contain no exported 
symbols, the KF5BreezeIcons.lib file would not get generated and the build 
would break for all applications. This is precisely the problem I am trying to 
fix with my proposal.
  If there are no other comments, I will go forward with my proposal when I get 
a chance. I need to do some testing and will update the patch here.

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: cullmann, #frameworks, vonreth, dfaure, rempt, ndavis, mart, alex-l
Cc: aboyer, sars, wrobelda, davidedmundson, broulik, rempt, 
kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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