On Sun, Apr 21, 2024 at 5:07 AM Ashark <ash...@linuxcomp.ru> wrote:

> Hello.

Hey Andrew,

> I have seen a bug that kdewebkit is failing to build (406342). I was
> looking
> why the person was building that module in the first place.
> Afaict, this module is not used in any project. Searching in repo-metadata
> by
> "kdewebkit" word, I see it is:
> Listed in `dependency-data-kf5-qt5` and in
> `dependency-data-stable-kf5-qt5`,
> without any dependency, and no any other project points to it as a
> dependency.
> Listed in `kf5-frameworks.ksb` to be ignored:
> ```
> module-set frameworks
>     repository kde-projects
>     use-modules frameworks
>     #tag v5.75.0-rc1
>     branch kf5
>     ignore-modules kdewebkit kuserfeedback
> end module-set
> ```
> and also listed in `kf6-frameworks.ksb` as ignored:
> ```
> module-set frameworks
>     repository kde-projects
>     use-modules frameworks
>     ignore-modules kdelibs4support kdewebkit khtml kjsembed kmediaplayer
> kinit
> kjs kross kdesignerplugin kemoticons kxmlrpcclient
>     cmake-options -DBUILD_WITH_QT6=ON
> end module-set
> ```
> The projects-invent/frameworks/kdewebkit/metadata.yaml contains the entry
> ```
> repoactive: true
> ```
> Maybe this should be marked as `repoactive: false` and removed from ignore-
> modules?

The repoactive flag mirrors the status of the repository on Gitlab (whether
it is active or archived).

As Frameworks as a compatibility promise, this repository will need to
continue to limp around unfortunately until KF5 ceases to make releases.

> The project readme says that it is removed from kf6.

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