
On Tuesday 04 March 2014 16:43:10 Jeremy Whiting wrote:
> I've realized a bit ago that kspeech was not included in
> the kdelibs split (probably because it was in staging at the time and
> didn't conform to the other framework policies yet). I've cleaned it
> up a bit and put it in my scratch space, but have some architectural
> questions about it before I make it a proper framework.
> 1. The KSpeech dbus interface is old and showing its age. [...]
> 2. The KSpeech interface that was in kdelibs/interfaces is just that a
> dbus interface only. [...]

I think that's mainly why it wasn't moved over so far... if you do all that 
it's pretty much an almost completely new thing. So from my perspective feel 
free to clean it up, turn it in a proper framework etc. That said, because of 
the work it probably means targeting KF 5.1 to include it in the list again.

Kévin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

KDAB - proud supporter of KDE, http://www.kdab.com

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