El Divendres, 4 d'abril de 2014, a les 15:41:07, Martin Gräßlin va escriure:
> Hi,
> similar as to what we already have with DrKonqi moving kglobalacceld from
> kde- runtime into the globalaccel framework would significantly raise the
> tier and dependencies. At the moment KGlobalAccel is a tier1 framework.
> The runtime component though depends on:
> * KF5::GlobalAccel
> * KF5::KCMUtils
> * KF5::I18n
> * KF5::XmlGui
> * KF5::WindowSystem
> * KF5::DBusAddons
> * KF5::Notifications
> * KF5::KIOWidgets
> * KF5::Crash
> Even if we consider that some are probably not needed it would at least
> become tier2.
> Given that kglobalaccel is only intended for the kde-workspaces anyway my
> suggestion is to move it into plasma-workspace repository instead of merging
> with the framework. 

Do you mean that global accelerators created with KGlobalAccel have never 
worked on apps when run under gnome?


> Please note that with Wayland it will be extremely
> difficult to provide a generic globalaccel anyway (no global keylogger like
> in X11 possible) and my plan is to implement the interface in KWin.
> Opinions?
> Cheers
> Martin

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