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Review request for KDE Frameworks.

Repository: kconfigwidgets


I've always been looking for a feature (mostly in Kate et al.) to open all 
recently opened files at once. Every once in a while I think I'm done with some 
source code editing, realise that I'm not, and then have to click through all 
files one by one. With this patch opening all files at once gets possible. So 
much for the background. Still there are some open questions:

1) Is such a feature wanted at all?
2) Is the code quality/style ok?
3) Last but not least: This patch will work nicely with kate, presumably also 
with okular and some others, but I guess it will not work as expected with 
Kaffeine, for example, as new files which are to be opened will not get 
appended to a playlist but instead each file will get opened for an instance 
and then be replaced by the next opened file. Possible solutions: In principle 
it would be possible to add another signal passing a list of URLs to 
applications, which then have to define a suitable slot. Alternatively this 
patch could just not be applied and the feature I'm trying to introduce could 
be added to kate only... (I don't prefer that option ;) )

So, what are your opinions, comments, ideas? Thanks in advance!

PS I hope the reviewer group "kdeframeworks" is the right one...


  src/krecentfilesaction.h 06965d4 
  src/krecentfilesaction.cpp 40fdf93 
  src/krecentfilesaction_p.h 2c690a7 

Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/122551/diff/


I don't run KF5 on a daily basis, but in a Docker session the patch works 
nicely with Kate.


Thomas Murach

Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

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