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(Updated April 3, 2015, 5:35 p.m.)

Review request for KDE Frameworks.


use of QFileInfo(entryPath).completeBaseName() simplifies code

Summary (updated)

Fix bug 344614: kservice splits filename wrong

Repository: kservice


Patch for https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=344614.

The difference between the old and new code (which is moved to a separated 
method in the .h file) is: name.indexOf is replaced by name.lastIndexOf

There is one issue: I would like to move the implementation of the new method 
KServicePrivate::entryPathToName from the .h to .cpp file but I get at link 
time: " .../autotests/kservicetest.cpp:824: undefined reference to 
'KServicePrivate::entryPathToName(QString const&)'" Is it generally possible to 
unit test methods delcared *Private classes?

Diffs (updated)

  autotests/kservicetest.h 929cd9fefe22308909e44650e8e4bfb2456fd534 
  autotests/kservicetest.cpp d46f868185c3bf45138d80d04f4eb0d2840de9ca 
  src/services/kservice.cpp 8c4e1a180a7628872d6f62486db9aee4b858547f 
  src/services/kservice_p.h 9a5a31caadc7487f8daf898eff062b2855800313 

Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/123223/diff/


1. new unit test succeeds
2. all other unit tests in ./kservicetest sill succeed
3. Call `kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental` without and with the patch and try out 
dolphin's Space Info menu. In the first case filelight is not found. With the 
patch filelight is found.


Gregor Mi

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