On Sunday, June 07, 2015 10:17:21 AM David Faure wrote:
> On Sunday 07 June 2015 00:13:11 David Faure wrote:
> > On Saturday 06 June 2015 22:01:50 no-re...@kde.org wrote:
> > >  Check console output at
> > > 
> > > https://build.kde.org/job/kxmlgui%20master%20kf5-qt5/PLATFORM=OSX,compil
> > > er
> > > =
> > > clang/3/ to view the results.
> > 
> > It fails to find a KWindowSystem 5.11.
> > 
> > But KWindowSystem has had version 5.11 for almost one month now, so 
> > should find it.
> > 
> > The kwindowsystem CI page says, for OSX: NoX11=green All=gray 
> > 
> > I have just triggered another build of
> > https://build.kde.org/view/Frameworks%20kf5-qt5/job/kwindowsystem%20master
> > %
> > 20kf5-qt5/ Let's see if that helps

After closer inspection it seems the NoX11 had deploy false and that is why 
OSX had nothing to sync. I am rather shocked this has only been an issue 
now. Short term solution is I created an "All" for osx that still disables 
X11. Long term solution is likely platform specific variations support. I now 
have this on my TO-DO list. I am taking a moment out of my vacation to 
babysit this osx builder for a few hours and hopefully we can get a green 

> It didn't help. Same problem again. Is there a build configuration missing
> for the "All" configuration maybe?
> > (but man, that OSX CI slows down everything, it's becoming a real pain 
> > make releases, at least if I want to keep my checklist item "ensure CI is
> > green")
> > 
> > I wonder whether we couldn't completely separate the linux and OSX CI
> > instead of having the latter slow down the former (and unreadable 
> > results)....

I agree with everyone that OSX is a huge pain, and I certainly don't enjoy 
babysitting it . I also do not enjoy the fear to take a vacation because I am 
going to come back to chaos due to OSX. But such is life, and I loathe the 
thought of supporting two separate CI's even more, and I will not do that, 

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