On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 10:16 AM, David Faure <fa...@kde.org> wrote:
> On Sunday 23 August 2015 12:19:10 Dominik Haumann wrote:
>> Are there still parts in this patch that are relevant? If so, can you update 
>> the patch to reflect it? Otherwise, please discard it (we can't do this, 
>> unfortunaltely, ReviewBoard is missing a "Reject" button) :-)
> Sysadmins and myself (and maybe other people) can discard other people's RR.

In fact, I can do this, too (someone gave me the karma). But then we get IIRC a
mail from the original submitter, saying the ReviewRequest was discarded. It's
not saying that it was Dominik who discarded it, iirc. So even the original
submitter might wonder why a mail in his name was sent.

So to not scare contributors away, I'd prefer they close it
themselves, or we add a
proper way to reject patches.

Or do I miss something? :-)

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