There's something else that's been bothering me since I realised it: KIdleTime 
has been written with the assumption that'll always work, and that whatever 
initialisation is required never fails. That must be why the return value from 
setupPoller() is discarded.

Maybe this all holds true on Linux, where initialisation probably only fails if 
there's no valid connection to an X server or a severe out-of-memory condition. 
The former will lead to sufficient explicative feedback to the user, the 
latter, well, it'd still be nice to simply print a message and then exit 
without triggering crash reporting stuff that's only going to increase the 
system load.

On OS X, there is a very valid situation in which initialisation could (or 
should) fail and that cannot be predicted from something like the absence of an 
env. variable like DISPLAY : remote login. That's a more generic problem that 
affects Qt applications in general, though.

Anyway, I don't see anything in the documentation that suggests that 
applications can verify whether any of the KIdleTime features are going to work 
(= are implemented). Idle time is reported as 0 when there is no platform 
plugin (which is a valid time, not an error value), or whatever the platform 
plugin returns if it cannot determine a sensible value. The other, signalling 
features probably just fail to deliver signals if they are not supported. I 
haven't seen a warning for that in the documentation, so that could lead to 2 

- either dependent software just never gets to do the (possibly important) 
things it is designed to do when an idle period ends or reaches a given 
- or developers deduce that they have to write additional checks, possibly 
through polling to detect and handle situation in which KIdleTime fails to do 
its job ... but then why would they even use KIdleTime at all?

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