On Monday, December 7, 2015 3:54:31 PM CET Mark Gaiser wrote:
> While at it. Why does frameworkintegration force [1] specific fonts upon
> the user?
> It's fine that apparently some folks prefer Oxygen fonts over all else, but
> i thoroughly dislike it.
> I always end up blacklisting it in my pacman manager (pacman, archlinux)
> since 99% of the time when i have font issues, it's because of that package
> being installed.

We cannot find a font which makes everybody happy. This is impossible, so 
please let's not derail the discussion.
> Regarding your proposal. When running KDE apps on something other then
> Plasma, you would also want to have the frameworksintegration plugin to be
> loaded, right?

No. As I outlined, it would not get loaded as the required env variables are 
set by startkde. I doubt that GNOME is announcing the KDE_SESSION_VERSION env 

> Specially the platformtheme folder with the vastly improved dialogs over
> stock Qt. Remember, those improved dialogs have the power of KIO behind it
> instead of the default Qt support (only the local filesystem)

On other desktop environments it should pick the platform's native dialog. 
E.g. on GNOME we want to give users the GNOME's file dialog to have an 
integrated experience. Please don't start about GNOME's dialog being not that 
good as ours. That's not the point. We want GTK applications to pick our file 
dialog in Plasma and we want our application's to pick GNOME's file dialog in 
GNOME. Our subjective feeling of superior user experience is pointless if the 
user is used to the platform's file dialog.

> I really see value in having that usable in - say - openbox or any other
> non plasma environment where people would want to open KDE applications
> that make use of framework libraries (like KIO).

which is still possible. They need to install the package and set the env 
variables. That's the same as right now: they need to install the package and 
set the env variables. It's not an automagically works anyway.

> Isn't the only plasma specific part the KStyle folder?



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