albertvaka added a comment.

  In, @broulik wrote:
  > Care needs to be taken that existing notifications don't suddenly behave 
differently but that moving from actions() to defaultAction() is a conscious 
and explicit choice in the application that emits the notification.
  I've already made sure that existing apps behave as they currently do. Even 
more: apps that decide to move from setActions to setDefaultAction will still 
display exactly the same way in Plasma, with an action button (until/unless we 
change the Plasmoid to honor the default action, which we can discuss when I 
submit the patch for the Plasmoid).
  In, @mart wrote:
  > code wise the change makes sense..
  >  that said, this assumes we do an important behavior change in our ui, 
which i don't think is a good thing, as is disregards completely how our users 
are used to, in the name of "other platforms do things differently".
  No, there is no change in our UI at all. In Plasma and KDE apps we can decide 
to never use this feature if we think that the UX is better that way, but IMO 
this is a generic (not Plasma-specific) framework and it should provide access 
to the functionality anyway. This is a really common use case for notifications 
on most platforms, so if we want that some day this framework can be useful on, 
for example, Android or Gnome, this is something we have to provide. I think 
that it would be good to adopt it on Plasma and KDE apps, but this is a 
completely different discussion that we can have on the mailing list.
  And no, I don't think that our users will freak out if we start behaving like 
every other notification system.
  In, @colomar wrote:
  > Hm, that's not easy to decide. Whether one likes the "click to make go 
away" behavior or not is highly subjective. I, for one, find it very annoying 
on e.g. OS  when a notification covers something I want to see on the screen 
and there is no way to make it go away other than waiting. Others find it 
annoying to have to explicitly click a button to execute the default action.
  Same thing: the framework giving access to this feature doesn't mean your app 
has to use it. Even more: it doesn't even change the behaviour in Plasma! In 
Plasma the default action will still appear as a button unless we change the 
plasmoid. This will, however, make it possible to use this feature on desktops 
that do support default actions.

  R289 KNotifications



To: albertvaka, #frameworks, #vdg
Cc: colomar, broulik, mart, #frameworks

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