vpilo added a comment.

  In https://phabricator.kde.org/D4799#89931, @mck182 wrote:
  > Thanks for the patch! I wanted to do exactly this a long
  >  time ago. However this solution brings a burden to all
  >  apps using KNotification in form of a blocking dbus call
  >  which is further only relevant when used in Plasma.
  > That's a no-no I'm afraid, we'd have to find a better solution.
  I understand. I'm out of the KDE development loop since a few years, so I 
wouldn't know what alternatives might there be that will be acceptable in the 
  Straight away I am thinking about:
  1. A quick check if KSplashQML is found in the processes list (afaics, 
there's no alternatives to ksplash)
  2. KSplash could listen for registration of a new dbus instance of 
KNotifications and emit a message to it (most probably too slow)
  3. KNotifications could send an async call to KSplash with a very quick 
timeout and start deciding on its queued notifications if/after the answer 
  4. Any other way to check whether the start-up process is still running 
without relying on KSplash?
  On a sidenote, I saw a couple comments about a 'new kde start system', but 
nothing more informative. Got any info?
  e.g. kded/src/kded.cpp@770, before calling on dbus KSplash.setStage():  
//NOTE: We are going to change how KDE starts and this certanly doesn't fit on 
the new design.
  > I was thinking that maybe KSplash should have the notifications
  >  dbus interface instead and handle it somehow on its own,
  >  either just collecting the notifications and then reemitting them
  >  once it's done splashing, or just displaying them directly, I dunno.
  That would add a lot of overhead & complexity to KSplash itself for a small 
case, I wouldn't like it.

  R289 KNotifications



To: vpilo
Cc: mck182, #frameworks

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