sitter added a comment.

  The way I understand it the use case here is during development, so I am not 
sure the ki18n circular dep is particularly concerning. Avoiding it seems 
fairly difficult as find_package needs to happen at configure-time, 
fetch-translations at build-time, and so we only actually know whether or not 
it is ts-only at build-time (when we have downloaded the translations).
  That being said appropximations that come to mind:
  - grep all to check if there are any pots that do not end in 
`_qt.pot`. as a matter of policy we seem to use that for all qt-only pots
  - grep all to check if there are lines without 
$EXTRACT_TR_STRINGS (the extractor for qt-only)

  R240 Extra CMake Modules


To: apol, #frameworks, #build_system, kfunk, ltoscano, aacid
Cc: sitter

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