
As a follow up of a discussion on android list, I would like to gather some 
comments or point of views about the following dilemma.
Currently, the mandatory parts of KFileMetaData compile for Android using API 
level 21 (Android 5.0). The class UserMetaData is relying on extended 
attributes supported ony starting with API level 21.
My own phone is Android 4.4 (API level 20). I am wondering if making the class 
UserMetaData be optional (currently part of the ABI) is a good idea. I could 
ensure it is only optional on Android as a way to not break the ABI.

According to Google (https://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/
index.html) its still 18.8 % of the phones.

Any advice, comments, ... ?

Thanks in advance

Best regards

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