Am 29.08.2017 um 15:03 schrieb Harald Sitter:
> On Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 8:37 PM, Luigi Toscano <> 
> wrote:
>> Even without the if branch it would be still complicated.
> Ah! I think I get the complexity now. At build time we need to run our
> tools already and so the dtd/xsl need to be able to resolve the paths,
> hence the initial configure_file with absolute path 
that is what I mentioned with

>3. cmake uses the generated files from 1. to generate kdoctools
> documentation

> which then get replaced for win32 with newly generated relative dtd/xsl files 
> at
> install time.
see topic 4.

> 4. kdoctools installs generated file for usage by other packages
with the addition of "installs second set" 

>  Indeed that is tricky to fix. Well, kind of.
> What we can do is get rid of the `install(CODE ...)` stuff. We know
> the actual paths at configure time just fine, we only can't use them
> for the files generated at build time. I am not sure that is much
> better, but it would certainly remove the excessive escaping need.
> The only way to make this really transparent would be to copy the
> docbook assets into build dir and basically construct the directory
> lineup as it will look after installation, so during build-time assets
> behave exactly like after installation. That's probably more
> complicated useless code than we have now though.
> HS

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