lbeltrame added a comment.

  A small number of reviews (this thing is huge). One question: would it be 
possible to have the bindings per-framework, rather than a single, long list? 
This is also what made PyKDE4 unwieldy. IOW, each Framework should ship their 
(optional) bindings. 
  We can put the tooling in ECM so that everything is in place for all the 
Frameworks. (This is how the current approach works):


> CMakeLists.txt:49
> +find_package(Clang REQUIRED)
> +find_package(LibClang REQUIRED)
> +

Don't use `find_package(FOO REQUIRED)`. Use `find_package(FOO)` then 
`set_package_properties(FOO TYPE REQUIRED...`. There are many examples in KDE 
git you can use. You will need to include FeatureSummary for this to work 

Why do I say this? Because now CMake will fail *immediately* at the first 
error. Otherwise, it will collect and print all missing packages after 
configuration. It is much easier on the packagers.

> CMakeLists.txt:53
> +    message(SEND_ERROR "Clang++ not found")
> +elseif(SIP_VERSION VERSION_LESS 4.19.3)
> +    message(SEND_ERROR "SIP version \"${SIP_VERSION}\" too old")

Any specific reason for this SIP version?

> FindClang.cmake:52
> +
> +find_program(Clang_EXECUTABLE NAMES clang-3.9)
> +

This won't work on all distros. Can you either:

a. Take inspiration from KDevelop's FindClang (which works already nicely)
b. Use upstream Clang module to find it and its version?

The same comment goes for FindLibClang.

> HOWTO:12
> +
> +Ubuntu/Debian "sudo apt install"
> +--------------------------------

Before distro-specific instructions, put a list of all the dependencies with 
their upstream names. This ensures that packagers of non Ubuntu/Debian distros 
can also look them up.

  R240 Extra CMake Modules


To: shaheed, lbeltrame
Cc: #frameworks, #build_system

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