kfunk added a comment.

  In https://phabricator.kde.org/D8207#153510, @mpyne wrote:
  > I support the idea, but I think there's a few more spots where we can 
convert http:// to https://.  I ran `ag --only-matching --no-heading 
'http:.*k.*\.org'` in the kcoreaddons source directory, with the current 
version of this patch already applied, and got the following output:
  >   src/lib/kaboutdata.h:811:http://";. "http://kate.kde.org
  Bad match -- this is just an apidocs example how to format the url. I left 
this out.
  I've now fixed all the http://kde.org urls as well. Didn't touch the others 
though -- those are out of our control.
  > Of these, the XML might be an issue (though I doubt it), and I'm not sure 
if koffice.org is still current.  But the autotest sample .desktop files can be 
changed, which will impact the kpluginmetadatatest also.
  > In the meantime I've verified that the current patch passes the testsuite 
on my machine as well.
  +1, same here.
  Pushed now.

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kfunk, apol
Cc: apol, mpyne, #frameworks

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