simgunz added a comment.

  In, @ngraham wrote:
  > Any progress? This is too good a change to not merge. :)
  Today I finally had the time to work on this and I've implemented the "select 
first result by default" and it seems to work nicely.
  I started working on how to  make up/down arrows move in the treeview while 
maintaining the focus on the text field. I thought of using an eventFilter to 
intercept those two keys and pass them to the QTreeView using the 
keyPressEvent() method. The problem is that I get an error on the fact that the 
method is protected. For now I've put the eventFilter method in the class 
KOpenWithDialog since it is the only one deriving QObject, but I'm not sure it 
is the right place.
  So I need to work on this a little bit more, and I'm afraid I won't have time 
next week because I am on a trip. So it needs to wait a bit more.

  R241 KIO


To: simgunz, dfaure, #frameworks, #vdg, ngraham
Cc: ngraham, alexeymin, #frameworks

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